Raising Pine Flat Dam

Pine Flat Dam during a flood release

Funding is needed to support a 12-foot raise of Pine Flat Dam to increase storage capacity in Pine Flat Reservoir and mitigate the effects of climate variability by increasing flood protection, enhancing drought resilience, increase water supply reliability, enhance carbon-free electric power generation, and improve water storage management.

The required U.S. Army Corps of Engineers feasibility study was included in the federal 2024 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).  This important step is the beginning of the process to determine if a 12-foot raise is feasible.  The achievement of this critical milestone was made possible by robust and consistent advocacy by the KRCD region’s bipartisan delegation, including Senator Padillia, Congressmen Costa, Valadao and prior Congressman Duarte.   KRCD is grateful for the persistent support of our region’s representatives.

Though no funding for the study is granted by the inclusion in the 2024 WRDA, the inclusion prioritizes the project with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).  KRCD has prior submitted a funding request for the USACE fiscal year (FY) 2026 and will resubmit for FY 2027, if needed.  If funding is secured, the feasibility study the USACE would perform is known as the ‘3X3X3 Rule’ . The goal of this process is to complete feasibility studies within three years, at a cost of no more than $3 million, and with three levels of the USACE engaged throughout, thereby reducing time and cost.

Click HERE for Raising Pine Flat Dam Backgrounder.

ESTIMATED TIMELINE: The earliest the 3x3x3 Rule feasibility study could begin is 2026, if federal funding is approved.    If the feasibility study determines a 12-foot dam raise is feasible, additional federal funding must be secured to further advance the project.

OVERVIEW: Pine Flat Dam is located in the Kings River watershed approximately 25 miles east of Fresno, California. Completed in 1954, it is owned, operated, and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The principal purpose of Pine Flat Dam is for flood control. Conservation and recreation are ancillary uses. Approximately 1,000,000 Californians live and work in the geographic area served by the Kings River. The river’s water supply is used to irrigate over a million acres of farmland, supply municipal drinking water, and replenish a groundwater supply that serves rural residents and over 100 disadvantaged communities.

HOW IT WORKS: Projected climate change in the Kings River watershed would alter the volume and timing of inflows to Pine Flat Reservoir and affect the availability of water supply for many downstream uses such as municipal, agricultural, rural communities and energy generation. Raising the dam 12 feet creates an additional 120,700 total acre feet of storage capacity at Pine Flat Reservoir to improve water storage management, especially during the climate extremes of extended droughts and intense floods.


  • Increased flood protection
  • Groundwater sustainability
  • Municipal and industrial water supply including Disadvantaged Communities
  • Recreation
  • River ecosystem improvement
  • Conserve and develop water and carbon free power resources.


Estimated capital cost:  Approximately $1 billion